Friday, March 14, 2025

Instagram Updates, New features introduced

Instagram has gained over 100 million users in two years and claims to serve more than 400 million. In this post we will give you info about Instagram Updates and latest features. Instagram is a widely used mobile photo and video sharing social service associated with big social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, tumblr and flickr etc.

Multiple accounts support

Instagram has officially announced its update of multiple accounts support for both Android and iOS. To set multiple accounts go to your profile settings and at the bottom you will see an option ‘add account’. After adding second account you’ll be able to switch between them by tapping Username.

Landscape and Portrait orientation

Instagram users, photographers can now apply landscape and portrait orientation to their photos however the square frame will still remain default option, but Instagram agreed to the fact that square is not everything. Square frame image cropping is an Instagram trademark from the beginning.

3D touch feature

You can enjoy 3D touch tech on Instagram and for this purpose you don’t need 3D touch at all. All you need to do is long press any thumbnail and you’ll see expanded view of image and also like, comment and share options will appear. They really figured it out how to put iPhone 6S 3D technology and it is very nicely implemented.

Feeds optimizations

This is latest Instagram update, you can now optimize your feeds, because people miss 70 percent of their feeds so this feature will optimize your feed based on your relationship with that person. This feature is newly introduced and may not operate smoothly but with time it’ll improve.

Top search tab, additional search options

The top search Tab is another update and it lets you search through people, places and tags and additional features allow you to find relevant Photos easily.

New filters and Emoji hashtags

Some new filters are also added, they are Lark, Reyes and Juno. Juno is related to warmth, Reyes is a faded dusty filter and Lark is intended for landscape. Another update is you can add emoji in Hashtags and it can be searched through explore page.

These were some Instagram updates, new features. Comment to share your views. Please share it and subscribe. Sharing buttons are below and subscription box is at the end.

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