Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Install Android 7.1.2 Beta on Your Nexus/Pixel Phone

Android 7.1.2 Nougat Beta has been released, Android Nougat 7.1.2 – should be available in the next few months, but a beta version is available to download. The Beta Version is for developers, but as before anyone will be able to install it on a compatible device. The compatible devices are Google Pixels and Nexus (except Nexus 9) devices.

Android Nougat 7.1.2 is said to be “an incremental maintenance release focused on refinements, so it includes a number of bugfixes and optimizations, along with a small number of enhancements for carriers and users.”

Google makes it easy to sign up, as long as you have one of the newer “pure Android” handsets. Here’s how to download Android Nougat 7.1.2 beta, all you need is a Google account and the right device.

Backup your Data

First of all, Backup your device. Backup all the Important data because there’s always a chance things can go wrong during the upgrade process, and having a backup will enable you to revert to your previous version of Android quickly and easily. Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Backup & reset’ and make sure both ‘Backup my data’ and ‘Automatic restore’ are checked.

Checking for the Update and How to Install

1. If you have the right hardware, head over to Google’s Android Beta Program website.

2. There log in with your Google account, and once you do, you’ll be taken to a page that explains what the program is all about.

The usual beta disclaimers apply, and Google warns that the updates “may contain errors and defects that can affect normal functioning of your device.” So before you enroll your phone, it’s a good idea to back up your data first, just in case.

3. To start receiving beta updates, tap the Enroll device button next to the handset you want.

4. Scroll down the page and you’ll find a heading ‘Eligible devices’ with an Enroll button next to it. Tap it and you’ll see be taken to a disclaimer screen. Check the agree box, select Join beta, and in a couple seconds you’ll be in.

5. You’ll need to agree to a short disclaimer form before you can enroll in the program.

6. If a new beta isn’t available, security updates will be installed as normal, as well as any official releases, and you won’t know anything has changed. Once a beta does land, you’ll get a notification about it.

7. You can also manually check for the update by heading to the ‘Settings’ screen, then scrolling to the bottom, hitting ‘About phone’ and selecting ‘System updates’ or ‘Software updates. It will install over-the-air normally, with a restart, and whenever a new one releases, you’ll go through the same process. And when the version you’re testing releases publically, you’ll be able to install that version on your phone, too.

If you’ve flashed your device and just want to install the files yourself without registering for the program, you can grab them from Google Developers site.

Just scroll down to the Latest section, find the version you’re looking for, and follow the link. Locate your device and download the appropriate file.

If Beta isn’t working for you?

With betas, Google is looking for feedback, so if you spot something that needs fixing, you can contact Google directly by heading to the Settings app, tapping About, and then Send feedback about this device.

If you’re having serious problems with a particular beta, you can always downgrade to the most recent stable version. Simply select Unenroll device on the same Android Beta Program page where you registered your device, and Google will deliver the latest general release to your phone.

So, that was it, Enjoy Android 7.1.2 Beta on your smartphone. Reach us via comments if you have any queries.

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