Wednesday, March 12, 2025

iOS 12 Cydia Tweaks of 2019 – Top 6 Jailbreak tweaks you Need

Cydia Tweaks, this best feature that brings life to your iOS Device. Are you one of those users who own an iPhone. And are on iOS 12? and you have jailbreak installed. Then you should try out these new ios 12 cydia tweaks which are famous as of 2019 right now.

In this list, we have compiled up a list of top new cydia tweaks which are best for your iOS 12 jailbreak. They are all compatible and updated for all you’re iPhone, iPad, iPod models. And are available to download.ios 12 cydia tweaks

5 out of these 6 brand new tweaks are completely new. While the 6th one is a classic. Which has been updated to support the new latest Jailbreak of iOS. Since it is a great tweak. It earns a spot in our list.

Top 100 List of cydia Tweaks for iOS 12-12.1.2

iOS 12 Top New Cydia Tweaks of 2019

So without any further delay, here are the top 6 new tweaks of 2019 for your iOS 12.


ios 12 cydia tweaks

With ConditionalWifi4 tweak, what you can do is to conrtol you apps and games .In terms of wifi connectivity, restrict certain apps from connecting to the internet.

This awesome jailbreak tweak comes in handy when you are protective about sharing your data. You want to use wifi but don’t want certain apps to gain access to an active internet connection. And share your information in the background.

The next great feature of this little tweak is that, when you restrict a game or app. Then, while running you’ll not recieve any annying advertisements. And you can play your game or application without any interruptions.

This is a great little mod/tweak which you can have on your iPhone,iPad or iPod .After you jailbreak your phone. You can download it from cydia, for a small amount of 0.99$.

Eclipse Dark Mode (iOS 12)cydia tweaks

We all know, the native Smart Invert Colours on iOS is not that good. It makes your phone look bad in colours. While on the other hand, android is very advanced in this feature. So if you want to have a black look which looks very professional on your iDevice. Eclips Dark Mode for iOS 12 is the best tweak for your iDevice.

It not only adds a dark mode to your phone, but you can use different colours for your applications. Which makes it even more interesting. And this is more advanced and looks more professional than iOS’s own smart invert.

You can download this app from cydia. Just search for it and download. Its Free.


ExtendedGlyph tweak for iOS 12 makes it possible for users to add a little fingerpring icon on your lockscreen. To customize it and make it more fancy.

The glyph is placed right above the bottom middle. Above the home button. This tweak is more users for people who are below iPhone X models. Because they have fingerprint scanner available.

ExtendedGlyph supports all LockGlyph tweaks, so you can get everything and more features without any problem. In addition to that, you’ll get the ability to customize various colours, sizes, texts to unlock and much much more.

This little awesome cydiatweak is available for $1.29. And supports iOS 10/11/12 . New in 2019.

HuddyXHuddy x ios 12 cydia tweak jailbreak

HuddyX is a new tweak released in 2019 for iOS12. What it does is that, it adds a custom volume hud in place of Notches. For notch model iPhones. Which means that it is meant for iPhone X, Iphone XS, iPhone XSMAX and iPhone XR. The hud will only appear when you try to increase or decrease the volume.

It looks like as if there is no notch when the huddyX is there. A great new addition to our list of top 6 cydia tweaks 2019.

You can get it for free. Try it our for yourself and tell us your reviews.


Another privacy mod for your iPhone. This jailbreak tweak, protects your phone. Lets suppose that you’re phone is unlocked and you are on a call. You give you’re phone to another person, while it is unlocked and he talks. After a while when the call ends, he is having your phone unlocked in his hands.

What this tweak does, is that it adds a biometric verification after a call has ended. When someone presses the home button during a call. They will be asked to verify their identity.

You can download Privacycall tweak for iOS 12 from cydia, after you jailbreak. It’s completely free.

MusicLovemusic love cydia tweak

Music app on your phone has a lot of drawbacks. For exmaple, once you mark a song as favourite,love it by force tapping while listening to Apple Music. There is no easy way to see, whether you have loved it or not.

This jailbreak solves that problem. MusicLoveCydiaTweak addresses this issue by adding a heart glyph next to the songs you have marked as favourite in your music playlist.

Now don’t forget which songs you love and where are they. Download Musiclove app, one of the new and best handy cydia tweaks for iOS 12.

You can get it from the BigBoss Repo for free.


That’s about it for this article. These were the new things in the jailbreak community, which I wanted you to know about. Yes, these tweaks may not be that much good. But once you use them, you’ll realize you were missing a lot more.

So please do give these awesome ios 12 cydia tweaks in 2019 a try. And tell us in the comments section. What are your issues, veiws and if something should be added in out list.

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