Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Real Racing 3 Hack and Cheats for Android

Real Racing 3 is one of best and amazing racing games available for free on the Google Store. It was Released in 2013, it has soared in popularity and become one of EA’s most popular racing titles. Notably, it is also one of EA’s biggest mobile game on the Android market. For many gamers, it is not hard to see the appeal of high-octane, adrenaline pumping speed, zipping around corners, and narrowly avoiding collisions. Even if for those who aren’t very skilled at driving games, it is definitely possible to appreciate a good racing game.


The actual gameplay of Real Racing 3 is fairly simple, consisting of arcade-style races against multiple AI drivers along a track. These tracks are all taken from real-life locations across the world, meticulously detailed to resemble the same tracks used by professional drivers across the world (that’s why given real racing title).


The driving itself is relatively straightforward, in a way that benefits the game experience rather than detracts from it. The handling on the cars can be quite a challenge, and the real meat of the game consists of careful maneuvers around potentially dozens of opponent drivers, whether AI or human-controlled. Races unsurprisingly extremely fast-paced, and there is a real degree of skill involved in executing maneuvers with good timing and finesse.

One unique feature of Real Racing 3 is that success in races depends very heavily upon the upgrades the player has purchased for their car. Among such enhancements includes better engineers, tires, body kits, and braking systems, each providing just the right edge to ensure a successful race. Each upgrade benefits one of a number of different characteristics such as top speed, acceleration, brake time, and handling. If you haven’t tried this game I suggest you to download it, if you’re real fan of car racing games.

The Real Racing 3 Hack Tool for Android will get you unlimited Money and Gold in the game. Our Cheats are compatible with all Android devices. The Real Racing 3 Hacking process is impossible to be detected by anti-cheat systems.

Real Racing 3 Hack Android:


Real Racing 3 v4.0.3 game save file

• All Cars Owned and Fully Upgraded

• Game Progress 70% Completed
• Money R$ 20260891
• Amount of Gold 20359
• You can update the game after applying the cheat
• You don’t need to root your device it works with unrooted devices as well.

• Must be extracted using ES file explorer link 

Tested on Android Versions

• Android 4.4.4
• Android 4.4.2

• Android 4.2.1


This will remove your current game progress but that doesn’t matter, right?!


(Backup your game data)

1. Open Game and go to Real racing 3 settings > Cloud Save > Backup To Cloud.

2. Now Using Es Explorer go to


3. There Find and rename file

character.dat to character.dat.bak

4. Open Game and go to Real racing 3 settings > Cloud Save > Clear Local Save.

5. Force stop game [ keep in mind Don’t clear data ]

6. Download game save file link

7. Extract to /Android/data/

Method 2

How to Use the Real Racing 3 Cheats for Unlimited Money

1. First click or tap on the link below


2. Enter your Real Racing 3 username or Google Play/App Store email and click the Connect button.

3. Enter the amount of R$/Money and Gold that you would like to add to the game.

That’s it now run your game and enjoy it to the fullest.

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