Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Uncover (v4.0) iOS 13.0-13.3 Jailbreak Cydia Tweaks Compatibility

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The latest Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 13 – 13.3 has been out for few days now. Users have already jailbroken thier devices and hopefully have installed cydia. Now, we have here is the list all the Cydia Tweaks compatible with Unc0ver iOS 13 Jailbreak. You can check out the list of compatible tweaks that words on iOS 13.

Uncover iOS 13 jailbreak is the first one to land in with support for A13 and A12 Chipset devices. With every iOS updates it gets more difficult for developers to discover exploits. These days, hopefully jailbreak is possible but with not much benefit because if hopefully any jailbreak is out, it is not as stable as it used to be back in the days. And another hurdle is some cydia tweaks are abandoned by their developers and do not come with the updated iOS version compatibility.

uncover ios 13 jailbreak tweaks cydia compatibility

iOS 13 Compatible Jailbreak Cydia Tweaks [Unc0ver JB]

The iOS 13 jailbreak came with Unc0ver 4.0.0 jailbreak, then it got updated to Unc0ver 4.0.1 with a major fix, and now the final stable jailbreak is Unc0ver 4.0.2. If you haven’t yet jailbreak your device then you should do so with this semi-untethered jailbreak.

The complete list of compatible iOS 13 Jailbreak tweaks for cydia are below.

List of Cydia Tweaks compatible with Uncover Jailbreak iOS 13.

For checking any cydia tweak for iOS 13.0 – 13.3 compatibility, you can go here.

Aperturize v.2.1.1

Adjustable bokeh for portrait mode

PercentX v.1.0.0

Show Battery Percentage on Systemwide!

Shy Page Dots v.0.1.1

Hide page dots when not scrolling

Flame v.1.3

Make Cydia Yours

Filza File Manager v.3.7.2

File Manager for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. Supports iOS 7+

Sunflower v.1.1

Make 3D Touch great again!

NtSpeed v.0.2~beta7

See Active Traffic Network Speed

Go.Away.Period.Button v.2.0

Get rid of the period in the Safari search bar.

HapticPasscode v.1.0.1-2

Haptic feedback on lock screen

Blankpass v.1.0

Blank passcode buttons

SugarCane13 v.1.2-3

Get percentages for the sliders in the Control Center on iOS 13

Turkey v.0.0.1

Cydia Dark Mode

TweakCompatible for Zebra v.1.1.5

Adds TweakCompatible to Zebra!

libcolorpicker v.1.6.7

Color picker library for developers

Cephei v.1.14

Support library for tweaks

RocketBootstrap v.1.0.7~beta3

Support library allowing tweaks to communicate with sandboxed processes

Nord v.1.3

Nord is designed to let you color the WhatsApp application freely. — Here, you can change:

ExactTime v.1.8

Shows the exact time of a notification.

Bloard v.0.1.2-1

Universal dark keyboard for iOS 7/8

3DBadgeClear v.1.4.0-z

Clear your badges from the Force Touch / 3D Touch Menu! Only appears on apps that have badges.

PhotoManager (iOS 12) v.1.1.2-3+debug

Add many features to the photos app.

OpenSSH v.8.1-1

secure remote access between machines

NoShareXIII v.1.0-5

Get rid of Share App option on 3D Touch menus


No3DLines v.1.2.1-1

Remove the lines from 3D Touch menus

Liberty Lite (Beta) v.0.2.12-z

A general purpose jailbreak detection bypass patch. Configure the Liberty Lite entry in the Settings app to block (most) apps from detecting your jailbreak. Disabling Substrate/Substitute is not currently supported. Support for both arm64e and armv7 has been enabled in this beta version.

HomePlus Beta v.0.4.9-beta

Dynamic, live homescreen layout with an intuitive UI

Flex 3 Beta v.3~Beta86

Develop your own tweaks and share them on the Flex Community Cloud

ColorBanners 3 (iOS 13) v.1.0.1

Spruce up your notifications

Choicy v.1.1.2

AdvancedTweak Configuration!

AppList v.1.5.15~beta1

Allow extensions to read the list of installed apps

NoStatusWhatsApp v.1.0.2

Remove ‘Status’ tab in WhatsApp

WARemoveCameraTabBar v.1.1

Remove Camera Tap Bar From WhatsApp

SpringPlus11 v.1.2

Internal settings unlocked for ios 11.

YouTube Tools v.4.0

Essential toolbox for YouTube app.

WiFiScanner v.0.1.0

WiFi Scanner

WiFi Passwords v.3.0.1

shows previously entered wifi passwords

4GwantLTE v.1.0.4

The Tweak Shows the LTE Icon instead of 4G! Option ported from my BarFade Tweak.

New Curses v.6.1+20181013-1

feature-complete terminal library

Essential v.0-2

contains nothing, represents everything

pseudo-codesign Mach-O files

7-zip (POSIX) v.16.02-1

claims to be a good compressor

zip v.2.32-1

standard Windows compression tool

unzip v.6.0+deb9u1-1

de-compesses files in zip format

unrar v.5.6.4-1

de-compresses files in rar format

Launch Daemon Controller v.23-1

Tells launchd what to do

gzip v.1.9-1

the standard Unix compression algorithm

grep v.3.1-1

searches files for regular expressions

GnuTLS v.3.5.19-1

free software alternative to OpenSSL

GnuPG Errors v.1.32-1

GnuPG’s error management library

GNU Privacy Guard v.2.2.11-2

GNU privacy guard – a free PGP replacement

GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library v.6.1.2-1

Working23 days ago GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers. There is no practical limit to the precision except the ones implied by the available memory in the machine GMP runs on. GMP has a rich set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface.

GNU Cryptography v.1.8.3-1

LGPL cryptographic algorithm library

gettext v.0.19.8-1

internationalization helper for strings

Find Utilities v.4.6.0-2

indexes and searches filesystems

file v.5.35-2

guesses the type of a file from contents

Diff Utilities v.3.6-1

compare two files for differences

Debian Packager v.1.19.7-1

package maintainance tools from Debian

Darwin Tools v.1.1-1

startupfiletool, sw_vers

Core Utilities (/bin) v.8.31-1

ago just the /bin folder from GNU coreutils

Core Utilities v.8.31-1

core set of Unix shell utilities from GNU

CA Certs v.0.0.2

CA certs for curl, wget, git.

bzip2 v.1.0.6-1

compression that’s slightly better than gzip

Bourne-Again SHell v.5.0.3-2

the best shell ever written by Brian Fox

Berkeley DB v.6.2.32-1

Oracle’s embeddable database engine

Assuan v.2.5.1-1

GnuPG’s inter-process communication

APT Strict (lib) v.1.8.2-1

the advanced packaging library from Debian

APT Strict v.0

the advanced packaging tool from Debian

APT 0.7 (apt-key) v.0

the advanced packaging library from Debian

APT 1.4 Strict (libapt-pkg) v.1.8.2-1

the advanced packaging library from Debian

APT (apt-key) v.1.8.2-1

repository encryption key management tool

Base Structure v.1-5

underlying system directory structure

BigBoss Icon Set v.1.0

locally cached package icons from BigBoss

tweakCompatible v.0.1.5

Adds a way to check tweak compatibility in cydia

SwipeForMore v.1.1.7

ago Manage packages via swipe.

iPhone Firmware (/sbin) v.0-1

represents Telesphoreo / iPhoneOS conflicts

Substrate Safe Mode v.0.9.6003

safe mode safety extension (safe)

APT 0.6 Transitional v.1.8.2-3

the advanced packaging tool from Debian

Cydia Translations v.1.1.32~b1

languages and translations for Cydia

Cydia Installer v.1.1.32~b23

graphical iPhone front-end for APT

MTerminal v.1.4-6

A MobileTerminal fork

PreferenceLoader v.2.2.4~beta1

load preferences in style

Cydia Substrate v.0.9.7100

powerful code insertion platform

Filza File Manager (64-bit only) v.3.7.3-16

File Manager for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. Supports iOS 7+. This special version only supports 64-bit devices

Nonce Setter for checkra1n v.0.1.1

Auto set your generator when jailbreaking!

dimentio v.0.5.0

PoC tool for setting nonce without triggering KPP/KTRR/PAC. (requires task_for_pid0)

WishDia v.0.0~beta1

Add a wishlist to Cydia works on iOS 7-13

System Info v.2.3.2-8+debug

System information in > General > About, and other sections. Set boot-nonce,save shsh2,battery info etc.

Delta v.1.1

Delta is an multi-emulator for playing GBA/GBC/NDS/N64/SNES games. Supports iOS 10-13

Camera Tools v.1.4

Customization toolbox for Camera.

These are all the compatible cydia tweaks iOS 13 for Unc0ver Jailbreak 4.0. Share it and install your favorite tweaks.

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